Dr. Nikhil Kanase


General Ward, Special and Semi special room

De-addiction and Withdrawal Management

Day care and Recreational activities for admitted and OPD patients.

Rehabilitation Services

Psychometric Testing

ECT facilities

Medical care management in case of emergency

Rescue, pickup and drop facilities

In house X-ray ,USG and all Lab tests

Implant operation for Alcohol De-addiction

Insight Oriented Psychotherapy

Counseling for Depressive and Suicidal patients

Relaxation Therapy

Group Therapy

Behavior Therapy

Therapy for Anxiety disorder and OCD

Relapse Prevention Techniques for addicts

Counseling for childhood behavioral problems

Marital Therapy

Family Education

Therapy for sexual dysfunction

Residential facility for

Chronic & Acute Psychiatric Patient

Substance Dependence


Dementia and old age assistance without relatives.